5 Signs You’re Ready for CHANGE- 7 Tips to Make It Happen!

Do you ever wake up in the morning, thinking: “I’m already agro and edgy. Why do I feel like this? It’s been going on for weeks now. I used to feel happier. I wish I had it more together…other people seem to. The life I have right now isn’t exactly what I want. I’m ready for more. I’m ready for a change.”

What’s going on? Something exciting!

These thoughts are healthy indications of your discontent. And the good news is…these signs can pack a dynamic punch, serving as just the force you need to drive yourself toward a much needed, positive change. They are the prompts that will nudge you to make the new choices that will refresh your levels of happiness and well being and guide you closer to fulfilling your envisioned potential.

5 common indicators that ‘POSITIVE CHANGE’ is in the wind:

1. Irritability: You feel generally anxious, snappy, and short-tempered. Looming in the background might also be a sense of guilt, because there is a part of you that realizes you are inadvertently, in the process of taking your discomfort out on others.

2. Victimhood: It feels as if the problem is outside of yourself- that it’s someone else’s fault. You feel boxed-in, limited, and cornered by people or circumstances.

3. Dissatisfaction: A sense that something is lacking, something’s not right, things aren’t in place as they should be for you, but you’re not sure exactly what’s wrong or what to do about it.

4. Envy: You notice yourself observing others – admiring their lifestyles, their careers, their relationships; mixed with a personal feeling of concern about your own ability to achieve the same.

5. Broken Record: You are stuck in a relentless cycle of negative thought patterns on a particular topic. You are continually stirring up uncomfortable emotions that you don’t want to be feeling at all! Your thinking on this subject seems unproductive and unstoppable even though you know that it’s not serving you well.

If any of these are familiar…here are 7 Tips to enact immediately!

1. Clarity: Take time to create a crisp vision of what you want to achieve or change; what this might look like; and how you can kick-start it.

2. Acceptance: Change takes some time. Accept the knowledge that your current situation/condition is imperfect, but take heart that it is only temporary.

3. Positivity: Find as much to be grateful for as you can each day, in the process of your change. What is to be loved? What is to be appreciated and not taken for granted?

4. Process: Each morning take yourself through a personal routine where you position yourself for a beautiful day. Set your mood, set your intentions. Even though you know your situation is in the state of flux, ensure that you enjoy whatever you can in the moment.

5. Envision: Using your imagination, see yourself in the improved future, in ideal circumstances. Connect strongly with the emotions of this vision. Feel the excitement, exhilaration, self-satisfaction, and sense of freedom or validation. Walk through your day as if you already have it and watch your mood lift!

6. List: Finally, write a list of all the things you can do. All the small steps you can take toward this new you, and each day try to do just one.

7. Affirm: Continually remind yourself that you are in the midst of a healthy and dynamic personal project. When you have time, repeat these phrases to yourself during the day: • I will stay positive • I will enjoy each day for all the goodness that it holds • I will plan for the MORE that I am READY for! • I will take small, consistent steps toward this vision • I will love, laugh and enjoy the process!

Congratulations, the outcome will be awesome! Enjoy your new sense of success!

Article by Muffy Churches, Executive Coach and leadership specialist

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